Camp K9 Farm Retreat Owner/Operator-
Shannon Crossman
Shannon grew up in Shawnigan Lake, BC and is an owner of two very energetic, herding dogs named Sancho and Dekker. She is dedicated in providing reliable, safe professional care for your canine companions with a high level of priority on always continuing her education and knowledge so she can be the best possible dog professional she can be.
Prior to opening Camp K9 Farm Retreat in 2022, Shannon gained work experience in the dog care industry while operating her own dog hiking business in South Cowichan for a wonderful 10 years. Unfortunately due to a work-related injury, she was no longer able to hike daily with her packs. Knowing that there was no other job she ever wanted to do but canine care, Camp K9 Farm Retreat was launched. She envisioned creating something different from the traditional daycare model and free from the problems that can come with them. A place with a clear focus on overall canine wellness and wellbeing so her client dogs can live their best lives possible. If Shannon is not busy working, you can find her active with her own dogs, tending to her farm animals, spending time with her daughter and husband, hiking, mushroom hunting, foraging, gardening, homesteading, biking and enjoying family time.

Dekker has earned his Novice, Intermediate and Advanced Trick Titles in 2023 and is currently training for his Expert title.
Training / Education / Experience
DogSafe Canine First-Aid Certified (May 2023)
Fundamental Dog Trainer's Certification Course. In person classes. Tug Dogs with Lead Trainer Erin Kramer (California, USA) Graduated September 2018
Certified Trick Dog Instructor (CTDI-DMWYD) 2023
Certified Canine Enrichment Technician (DN-CET) 2023
Canine Body Language For Pet Professionals. Certificate Course. (Kerrie Hoar, CPDT-KA, IAABC-ADT, LFDM, FFCP)
Canine Enrichment -Professionals Course (Jaime Knowles, CMDT, DIP CBST, CCPDT - KA)
Resource Guarding. 12 hour course. Systematic Planning for RG (Diane Garrod, PCT-A, BScj, FF1, CC1)
Nose Work For The Companion Dog Course (Anke King. Certified Nose Work Instructor, AKC Scent Work Judge)
Scentwork Solutions for Common Behavioral Problems - Online Seminar (Dr. Morag K. Heirs, PhD MSc MA(Hons)(SocSci) PGCAP CAB)
How to Introduce Odour - Odour Pays System. Online Seminar (Natalie Morris/Ford K9)
Associate Membership with Canadian Association Of Professional
Dog Trainers (CAPDT)
Previous owner and operator of Hikes4houndz Pet Service. A professional dog hiking & boarding business in the Cowichan Valley. Nominated for two Cowichan Black Tie Awards in 2014 & 2018.
12+ years of professional canine handling experience and business presence in the Cowichan Valley. 2012 to present.
Extensive knowledge and experience with multiple dog structures.
To be continued....always and forever!


Camp K9 Farm Retreat is a fully insured & registered business.